Scientific Linux Live CD/DVD 5.1 has been released for i386 and x86_64

The Scientific Linux Live CD/DVD runs Scientific Linux directly from 
CD/DVD without installing. It can be downloaded from Public mirrors 
of Scientific Linux 5.1 LiveCD/DVD can be found at the download page 

The following versions are available:

- Mini-LiveCD 32bit with Icewm desktop
- LiveCD 32bit with Gnome desktop
- LiveCD 64bit with Gnome desktop
- LiveDVD 32bit with Gnome/KDE/Icewm desktop
- LiveDVD 64bit with Gnome/KDE/Icewm desktop

LiveCD/DVD features:

- fully writable root filesystem
- hardware auto-detection
- can be installed to local hard disk
- can be installed on USB key
- can be mounted over NFS (as diskless client)

Software added compared to standard Scientific Linux

- ntfs-3g (read/write NTFS support)
- ntfsprogs
- kernel-module-ntfs
- gparted
- testdisk
- dd_rescue
- partimage (only i386 and DVD)
- iperf
- aufs

Major software updates compared to Scientific Linux 5.0 Live CD

- kernel 2.6.18-53.1.13.el5 (including iwlwifi WLAN driver)
- OpenAFS client 1.4.6
- update to the latest SL 5.1 software
- first release of Mini-LiveCD and LiveDVD

More information can be found at


--- Urs Beyerle