I have recently done a clean install of SL-5.1 (workstation). Everything seemed to be working fine until I tried to add additional users using the command line to invoke the Add-Users GUI. When Add user button was clicked the GUI grayed out and froze. I had to ^C out. A portion of the dialog follows.

[root@localhost etc]# which system-config-users
[root@localhost etc]# system-config-users
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/system-config-users/userWindow.py", line 354, in on_userWin_ok_button_clicked
    groupEnt.set (libuser.GROUPNAME, groupName)
NameError: global name 'groupName' is not defined
[root@localhost etc]#

The additional user was not added. Does anyone have any suggestions where I should be looking to fix the problem?

Previously I have had SL-4.x and SL-5.0 installed on the system and no problems were encountered.
