Scientific Linux "SL 5.1" RC1 for i386 and x86_64  	December 21, 2007

Note: This release has support for sites

-Connie Sieh
-Troy Dawson


Send comments/issues/test reports to [log in to unmask]



CHANGES since 5.1 BETA 2
**      /etc/yum.conf is now marked as "noreplace"
**   	yum-conf-51-0.2.rolling.SL.noarch.rpm

**	sites support
**	see sites/example
**	Note: Installing sites on a virtual machine
**	When installing a paravirtulized site, you have to point at the
**	site directory, such as 5rolling/i386/sites/example
**	When installing a fully virtulized site, you only have to point
**	to the base directory, like you usually would, such as
**	5rolling/x86_64/sites/example