
guest installs with virt-install or from virt-manager don't work on 
5.1 beta hosts. You probably already have a fix, but anyway: this makes it 
work for me:

--- /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/virtinst/DistroManager.py.orig	2007-12-02 14:01:01.000000000 +0100
+++ /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/virtinst/DistroManager.py	2007-12-02 15:06:48.000000000 +0100
@@ -232,7 +232,13 @@
             return True
         return False

+# SL distro check
+class SLImageStore(RedHatImageStore):
+    def isValidStore(self, fetcher, progresscb):
+        if fetcher.hasFile("SL", progresscb):
+            logging.debug("Detected an SL distro")
+            return True
+        return False

 # Suse  image store is harder - we fetch the kernel RPM and a helper
 # RPM and then munge bits together to generate a initrd
@@ -541,6 +547,8 @@
         stores.append(RHELImageStore(baseuri, type, scratchdir))
     if distro == "centos" or distro is None:
         stores.append(CentOSImageStore(baseuri, type, scratchdir))
+    if distro == "sl" or distro is None:
+        stores.append(SLImageStore(baseuri, type, scratchdir))
     if distro == "suse" or distro is None:
         stores.append(SuseImageStore(baseuri, type, scratchdir))
     if distro == "debian" or distro is None:

Stephan Wiesand
  DESY - DV -
  Platanenallee 6
  15738 Zeuthen, Germany