$ rpm -Fvh [some subset of the available rpms]

is useful, you just upgrade and replace the already installed ones.
But  as said in a previous post, you don't want to upgrade and
replace the kernels, so you could proceed by first adding with rpm -i 
the new kernel and dependent packages.  Then you can upgrade and
replace by group of packages.

Important package families to upgrade first are *glibc*rpm and rpm*rpm.
$ rpm -Fvh *glib*rpm
would attempt to upgrade and replace the glibc family of packages.
If anything is missing it will complain, so one can at the next attempt
complete the previous command until the group of package is consistent.

$ rpm -Fvh [a-j]*rpm [l-z]*rpm
replace all the packages beginning with a small character except k.

The lib*rpm is a group of packages that it is good to try to upgrade
before the others.

When all the packages are upgraded, you can check that
$ rpm -Fvh *rpm
does nothing.
