
Some people ask for the SL45 LiveCD/DVD. Here there are ready for testing:


If I don't hear any problems until beginning of next week they can be 
put on ftp.scientificlinux.org.

Best regards,


       Scientific Linux 45 Live CD and DVD (32bit and 64bit) 

The Scientific Linux Live CD/DVD is a bootable CD/DVD that runs 
Linux directly from CD/DVD without installing. It is based on 
Scientific Linux 45 (SL45), which is recompiled from RedHat 
Enterprise Linux 4 sources (RHEL4 AS Update 5). 

The following versions of the Scientific Linux LiveCD are available 
for download:

    * livecd:       fits on a normal CD-ROM
    * livecd64:     CD-ROM for 64bit
    * livedvd:      fits on a DVD
    * livedvd64:    DVD-ROM for 64bit
    * mini_livecd:  rescue system (about 220MB)

Software added compared to standard Scientific Linux

 - 915resolution
 - ntfsprogs
 - kernel-module-ntfs
 - qtparted
 - gparted
 - testdisk
 - dd_rescue
 - partimage (only i386)
 - iperf
 - tkcvs
 - ms-sys
 - unionfs and squashfs for w/r live system
 - OpenOffice 2.3 (DVD only)

Additional features

 - LiveCD can be installed to local hard disk, run
   livecd-install or livecd-install-gui
 - LiveCD can be installed on USB key
 - LiveCD can be mounted over NFS (diskless client)

More information can be found at http://linux.web.psi.ch/livecd