I'm testing the new SL5 (i'm using the i386-RC2) and I tried to install 
tomcat5 ("yum install tomcat5").
The resulted installation is broken (tomcat won't start out of the box, 
and there are both sun and gcj jvm). I think the problem is related to 
the java-sun-compat and the related sun jdk inclusion in the SL5.

After a complete reinstall, I tried to install tomcat5, but this time 
excluding the sun-related packages ("yum install 
--exclude=java-1.5.0-sun-compat --exclude=jdk tomcat5").
It worked fine. Tomcat start and run fine, but of course with 
java-1.4.2-gcj jvm.

The last try involved directly jpacked.org yum repos (after another 
complete reinstall).
After installing the java-1.5.0-sun-compat and the 
jta-1.0.1-0.b.4jpp.noarch.rpm, I used yum forcing not to use the sl repo 
("yum install tomcat5-webapps xml-commons\* --disablerepo=sl-\*").
Yum installed the tomcat5 (from jpackage repos). This version used 
correctly the sun jvm, as I wish. But at the first "yum update", the 
jpackage tomcat5 is replaced with the "SL" one .

How can I install a tomcat5 that use the sun jvm using yum (and\or rpms)?

Thanks in advance,

Alessio Curri

+39 040 375 8064
Software for Measurement Group 
Experiments Division
Sincrotrone Trieste S.c.p.A.
S.S. 14 Km 163.5, in Area Science Park
34012 Basovizza - Trieste (Italy)