Hi Steve,
thank you for your reply,
my comments follow below

Steve Traylen wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
On May 8, 2007, at 3:49 PM, Alessio Curri wrote:

I'm testing the new SL5 (i'm using the i386-RC2) and I tried to install tomcat5 ("yum install tomcat5").
The resulted installation is broken (tomcat won't start out of the box, and there are both sun and gcj jvm). I think the problem is related to the java-sun-compat and the related sun jdk inclusion in the SL5.

After a complete reinstall, I tried to install tomcat5, but this time excluding the sun-related packages ("yum install --exclude=java-1.5.0-sun-compat --exclude=jdk tomcat5").
It worked fine. Tomcat start and run fine, but of course with java-1.4.2-gcj jvm.

The last try involved directly jpacked.org yum repos (after another complete reinstall).
After installing the java-1.5.0-sun-compat and the jta-1.0.1-0.b.4jpp.noarch.rpm, I used yum forcing not to use the sl repo ("yum install tomcat5-webapps xml-commons\* --disablerepo=sl-\*").
Yum installed the tomcat5 (from jpackage repos). This version used correctly the sun jvm, as I wish. But at the first "yum update", the jpackage tomcat5 is replaced with the "SL" one .

How can I install a tomcat5 that use the sun jvm using yum (and\or rpms)?

Thanks in advance,


  You are in luck I've just written up this very topic:


   One of the solutions there is to install jpackage's tomcat5 with sun's JDK but you have to take care when you
   do so. In particular tomcat5 requires xml-commons-jaxp-1.3-apis but this package obsoletes "xml-commons-apis"
   which has the result of removing SUN's JDK since this provides xml-commons-apis.

   In short you must enable the jpackage repositories, install xml-commons-apis followed by SUN's JDK and
   then java-1.5.0-sun-compat.

   After this a simple

   yum install tomcat5

   will then work.

    I would recommend however that you use jpackage's rebuild of JDK rather than SUN's rpm, it avoids all
    the headaches above.

   In fact I was considering requesting asking SL to distribute the jpackage rebuilds of JDK rather than SUN's
   JDK since they are better and avoid this problem.

   Note I've never tried this on SL5 but it should work as you hit the same problems as I observed on SL4.


-- Alessio Curri +39 040 375 8064 Software for Measurement Group Experiments Division Sincrotrone Trieste S.c.p.A. S.S. 14 Km 163.5, in Area Science Park 34012 Basovizza - Trieste (Italy)

--Steve Traylen
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I tried to follow the howto you provided me,
but it doesn't work.
I think this is due to the inclusion of the "redhat" tomcat (and related dependencies, included the java-1.4.2-gcj-compat _and_ the sl-base java-1.5.0-compat)
in the "base" repository.

In fact I build the rpm as the howto said (using the not sun-rpm way) and then installed with yum (simple yum install tomcat5) but the result was the same as installing with yum out of the box with a fresh SL5

I made a second try (reinstalling the whole machine) excluding the sl-base repo from the dependence  resolution (yum install tomcat5 --disablerepo=sl-\*).
The result was that tomcat was installed correctly, but the next update (enabling the sl-base repo, of course) the tomcat was replaced by the redhat version.

I have some SL4 installation working (fine...) with tomcat5 and sun java (picked by yum...).
Now I want to move to SL5 (there are some really interesting think, like the "integrated" xen, new kernel and so on).

I see 2 different kind of solution:

1) Tell yum (i don't know how...) to pick some packages (and related dependencies) to a specific repository (even if there are a newer version is in another repository).

2) Moved tomcat (and other programs) to a separate repos.

I don't now if the point above are realistic.

Below I attach the yum log (related to the last attempt)
I made several attempts, and i have the logs of the installations (so, if anybody wants them, mail me)

Any comment / hint / proposal is most appreciated

Alessio Curri