Yesterday I installed SL5 at home, was smoother install then FC6.
But I have 2 questions:
- installing madwifi was just a click, my wireless card (atheros 
chipset) was found. But nowhere I can find where I can configure the 
settings for wireless connection. I have done it dozens of times on 
different versions and flavors of Ubuntu via user interface or file. 
What is the equivalent of Ubuntu's /etc/network/interfaces file in SL ?
I can see the wireless card called wifi0 in the network config user 
interface. When I google most solutions start with download madwifi, 
make, make install, ...
- Xen : if I want to start experimenting with Xen, where do I start: 
Xensource documentation, Red Hat documentation or is there SL 
documentation ?



Flanders Marine Institute