On 05/30/2007 02:10 PM, Michael H. Semcheski wrote:
> nota bene: I had to turn off selinux' monitoring httpd to get user 
> directories (ie, www.this.edu/~mike). <http://www.this.edu/~mike).>..

if you can label the user directories to be served (i.e. ext3 or 
NFS-with-ACLs), you might want to just use

  setsebool -P httpd_enable_homedirs 1
  chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t ~user/public_html

(straight from  "man httpd_selinux", albeit on SL4. Should also work on 5)

Given that install-and-forget web scripts (CGI/PHP/..) seem to be a 
popular infection vector nowadays..
