Claudiu Tanaselia said...
|I have an ext3 partition that I can't write to using a normal user. My
|line from fstab look like this:
|/dev/sda2               /media/storage          ext3    defaults,users  0 0
|I did chown and chmod -R +rw, no effect.
|This might be a basic linux thing, but until recently my only ext3
|partition was the root one so I never encounter this problem, now I
|decided to convert my whole harddrive into ext3, but I can write to it
|only as root.

You shouldn't need "users" since that just allows a normal user
to mount and unmount the file system.  "defaults" should be all
you need.  If you really want users to be able to mount and unmount
this FS, I would expect that to work.

What does it look like when you type

   mount | grep /media/storage
