Hi Stephan,
Thanks for nitpicking.  As we get closer to the release we need the 

Stephan Wiesand wrote:
> Hi Troy, Connie,
> On Fri, 13 Apr 2007, Troy Dawson wrote:
>> Scientific Linux  "SL 5.0 Beta 1" on x86_64         April 13, 2007
>> Send comments/issues/test reports to [log in to unmask]
> I successfully ks-installed both this beta and the i386 RC. Enjoyed the 
> pictures, had no problems getting anything to work.
> Still, some nitpicking:
> 1) Builds from the following errata are missing from one or both:
> pkg               advisory              x86_64  i386
> ===               ========              ======  ====
> tzdata            RHEA-2007:0128-3      X       ok
> net-snmp          RHBA-2007:0129-2      X       X
> libXfont          RHSA-2007:0132-3      ok      X
> squid             RHSA-2007:0131-2      ok      X
> xorg-x11-server   RHSA-2007:0127-2      ok      X
> krb5              RHSA-2007:0095-4      ok      X
> autofs            RHBA-2007:0098-3      X       X
> Deployment_Guide  RHEA-2007:0121-3      X       ok
> gcc               RHBA-2007:0100-3      X       ok
> dhcp              RHBA-2007:0103-2      X       ok      dhclient only
> emacs             RHBA-2007:0109-3      X       ok
> module-init-tools RHBA-2007:0110-2      X       ok
> nss               RHBA-2007:0113-2      X       ok      -tools only
> samba             RHSA-2007:0061-2      X       ok      main pkg only

We'll get these in

> 2) GFS/GNBD modules for the current kernel are missing for x86_64:
> kmod-gfs:      0.1.16-
> kmod-gfs-xen:  0.1.16-
> kmod-gnbd:     0.1.3-
> kmod-gnbd-xen: 0.1.3-

And these

> 3) rhgb for x86_64 is still from upstream beta2:
> amd64:  0.16.4-5.sl.1
> i386: 0.16.4-8.sl.1

Like those colors :)
That was from my first try at the colors, and I wanted them to be 
different so I could clearly see which setting was what.

> - Stephan

Thanks again for the report
Troy Dawson  [log in to unmask]  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/LCSI/CSI DSS Group