I hope people don't mind me asking a couple of possibly (very) dumb 

I was just looking on TUV's errata webpage for 5Server and 5Client 
(strangely different set of packages I see), and wondered where their 
update SRPMS live now.

The original (release) versions are on their ftp site as before under:


e.g. 5Server/en/os/SRPMS/ etc

but the updates directory is mising any references to version 5


I ask 'cos I occasionally look through the changes for updates which arn't 
security-related errata...

And another possibly even sillier question.

Is there a good (or bad) way to point yum at a repo which is available by 
rsync?  ie having the baseurl of rsync://... or similar?  As far as I can 
see yum only directly supports 'http', 'ftp', 'file', 'https' methods.  I 
suppose that the rsync protocol is a but tedious for yum to have to 
directly support and calling external code would probably be ugly and 
possibly dangerous...  Is this the kind of thing which could be added to 
yum with a plugin or would that not be easy?

  -- Jon