I've been (fairly) quietly listening to the various threads about 
repositories in SL5, and have a couple of questions about things. 
Apologies in advance if what I'm asking about is something I should be 
able to find in the notes etc, and I certainly don't want to distract 
people from the SL5 beta work...

I've seen mention that the new anaconda can be told to look at several 
repos during install, and that these will use the same info generating as 
is needed for yum to also be able to use them later.

How will one tell anaconda the repos to use?  I see the kickstart 'repo' 
option to add extra repos, but is there also a similar mechanism for 
manual installs?

Will the anaconda stuff cope with repos which provide different versions 
of packages (e.g. updates), or packages which clash/obsolete ones in the 
'main' repo?  (basically does it have a complete dependency solver?)

As someone who hasn't used yum much before, can someone point me at a 
gentle introduction to constructing the repo data that it and anaconda 
will need?

Previously (in SL3,4 and even back using RH) we constructed the install 
trees by taking the latest version of each package from various sources, 
and using genhdlist/pkgorder/genhdlist but I'm assuming that with the new 
anaconda features that won't be needed any more.  Is that right?

In 5rolling/i386/SL/build/scripts/ I see code in build.hdlist.sh (say) 
which does essentially pkgorder/createrepo so I guess that the pkgorder 
stuff still needs to be done like before, but that worries me about 
whether anaconda still needs it in which case the extra repos may be 2nd 

Jon Peatfield,  Computer Officer,  DAMTP,  University of Cambridge
Mail:  [log in to unmask]     Web:  http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/