Ioannis Vranos wrote:
> How can I make a given script or an executable to run during start up, 

Edit your grub (or Lilo) configuration file and add the following to the 
  line beginning 'kernel' :            init=/path/to/executable

That'll do the trick :-)

Seriously though - booting straight into /bin/bash is a handy trick when 
you have a really borked system.
(Ioannis - I'm pulling your leg. Use  rc.local or /etc/profile.d as 
others have said).

      John Hearns
      Senior HPC Engineer
      Streamline Computing,
      The Innovation Centre, Warwick Technology Park,
      Gallows Hill, Warwick CV34 6UW
      Office: 01926 623130 Mobile: 07841 231235