On Tue, 2 Jan 2007, Troy Dawson wrote:

> Hello,
> This currently is not set in stone, so now is the time to talk about it.
> With RHEL5 beta2 Redhat has divided up their different products into 
> different repositories, each in it's own directory.  So under /rhel5/i386 you 
> have the directories
> Client Cluster ClusterStorage Server VT Workstation
> This makes it easy for them to sell someone a package, they get a key, and 
> depending on what the key is, certain repositories are available.
> But to distributions like us, well, it's not what we're used to.
> Preliminary discussions on whiteboards between Connie and I have shown 3 ways 
> that we can proceed.  Each has it's Pro's and Con's.
> 1 - Do just what Red Hat does.
> Directories:
>  /Client /Cluster /ClusterStorage /Server /VT /Workstation
> Pro:
>  Just like RedHat
> Con:
>  Duplication of pacakges in /Client and /Server
>  Hard for Users to find packages by hand
>  Hard for developers to figure out where to put packages
>  Why have them in separate directories when we will include them all
> 2 - Follow RedHat, but combine similar packages from Client and Server
> Directories:
>  /ClientServer /Client /Cluster /ClusterStorage /Server /VT /Workstation
> Pro:
>  Almost like RedHat
>  No duplication of packages
> Con:
>  Hard for Users to find packages by hand
>  Hard for developers to figure out where to put packages
>  Why have them in separate directories when we will include them all

Is it possible to create a logical /SL, /contrib, and /sites
through judicious use of symlinks, but have the regular
redhat directories above exist as well for those who may
be looking for them?  As long as there is no redhat in
the directory tree there's no reason not to keep their structure
and just add to it, is there?


> 3 - Mush everything into our normal directory structure
> Directories:
>  /SL /contrib /sites
> Pro:
>  Easy for users to find packages
>  Easy for developers to know where to put packages
>  No duplication of packages
>  Makes more logical sense
> Con:
>  Have to combine all the comps.xml files, each time we have a release
>  People used to regular RedHat might be a bit confused
>  Will require more anaconda changes
> My personal opinion, and I'm willing to be disagreed with.
> I want to go with option 3.
> Troy

Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
[log in to unmask]  http://home.fnal.gov/~timm/
Fermilab Computing Division, Scientific Computing Facilities,
Grid Facilities Department, FermiGrid Services Group, Assistant Group Leader.