I have a system running RHEL4 kept uptodate except for the kernel and
noticed that my NFS exports suddenly couldn't be mounted by clients.
When I logged in and ran sudo to start my investigating, sudo crashed
with a "Segmentation fault".  Not looking so good.  Interestingly
enough, the problems are related.  I upgraded one of my SL43 systems to
SL44 and got exactly the same bad behavior.

If you make use of either wildcards or NIS netgroups in the /etc/exports
file then none of the filesystems listed in there will actually be
exported.  Likewise, if you make use of NIS netgroups in
your /etc/sudoers file then sudo with segfault.  Ouch!

i.e. in your /etc/exports file:
/space/viewstore  @clearcase_machines(sync,rw,no_subtree_check)

or the folowing in your /etc/sudoers file:
User_Alias      VOBADM=+vob_administrators

where clearcase_machines and vob_adminstrators are defined in
the /etc/netgroup file on your NIS master server.

Is anyone else wrestling with this?
Anyone know which package is the culprit?  Maybe yp-tools-2.8-7 or

I've never actually tried to contact RedHat.  Has anybody reported a
problem to them and know what the best way to do it is?

David M. Cooke <[log in to unmask]>