> KELEMEN Peter said...
> |> [...] I'm not aware of anyone using XFS on 32 bit RHEL3 or 4,
> |> at least, but a number of people seem happy with it on 64 bit
> |> versions. [...]
> |
> |CERN has more than 650 TiB XFS on SLC3/i386 in production (with
> |various issues due to old codebase but have workarounds).
> Well, now I'm aware!
> ALl I ever heard in the poast were horror stories.

You should test things. I remember when I tried to get XFS working on data 
filesystems under 32bit platforms, I also ran into this stack overflow 
problem because basically, it reached the stack limit.

From memory my setup was something like:


which it simply couldn't handle.
