On Thu, 2006-08-24 at 16:18 +0200, Jan Iven wrote:
> We are under pressure to release a patched gcc inside CERN, but last
> time we did something similar the community-wide reaction wasn't overly
> friendly - which is why we would much prefer an officially blessed
> errata. Might still come to this, so please consider this advance
> warning.

We have just received a request from the LCG architect's forum (that has
participants from the larger physics software development projects in
LHC) to roll out a patched gcc version for this issue on our SLC3

The only change vs upstream/SL is a newer version of the

Labeled as "gcc-3.2.3-56.cern", and we intend to move away from it as
soon as possible after TUV has released an official errata..

Currently available from our 'testing' repository at 
