I know the AFS bug with the new browsers is really a 'big lab' problem 
(any lab big enough to use AFS for home space), but I was wondering what 
everyone thought if I put the AFS fix into the generic S.L. mozilla 
based packages (firefox, thunderbird, and seamonkey)?

Do you think I should do that (generic S.L.)?  Or just patch Fermi's?

Also, from what I read, the fix is to put a script in
/usr/lib/<browser name and release>/init.d

That looks like


[ -e  $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini ] || exit 0

for i in $(grep Path= $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini | sed 
s/Path=//); do
     [ ! -L $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/$i/lock -a -e 
$HOME/.mozilla/firefox/$i/.parentlock ] &&
       rm -f $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/$i/.parentlock

Troy Dawson  [log in to unmask]  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/CSS  CSI Group