Hi Troy,

On Tue, 19 Sep 2006, Troy Dawson wrote:

> Stephan Wiesand wrote:
>> Hi Troy,
>> there were still a couple of minor problems. For example, it's broken on 
>> 64bit. And I really didn't understand the [ ! -a <filename> ] tests.
> Thanks for the 64bit solution, I had forgotten about that.
> About the test
> [ ! -a $line/<filename> ]
> It is just checking to see if the file is there.  If there is a file there, I 
> am assuming that we don't want to mess with it.  I also figure that if the 
> file is there, then the directory is there.

But shouldn't that be "[ ! -e" instead? The above seems to always evaluate 
to true. Maybe it's some black magic I don't get yet?

> [ -d "$line" -a ! -e "$line/%{cleanscript}" ]
> Although your solution is more thorough, it just seems redundant, doing two 
> checks instead of one (unless I'm reading it wrong).

I agree it's a bit paranoid, but then this runs with root privileges, and 
I wouldn't swear that the glob above will never ever return anything 
weird, no matter under what circumstances. Also, I think
[ ! -e "$line/%{cleanscript}" ] is not a guarantee that $line exists and 
is a directory, is it?


>> I've put up a a slightly hacked version here:
>>   http://www-zeuthen.desy.de/~wiesand/parentlock/
>> Cheers,
>>     Stephan
>> On Mon, 18 Sep 2006, Troy Dawson wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> This rpm is designed to fix the "Home Area in AFS" parentlock fix.
>>> The problem is triggered when your home area is in AFS, and you use 
>>> firefox, thunderbird, and/or seamonkey.  Not always, but often, when you 
>>> stop and restart firefox (or thunderbird, or seamonkey) the lock file, 
>>> called parentlock, is not removed.  This makes it hard to start up your 
>>> browser again.
>>> Ftp:
>>> ftp://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/30rolling/testing/i386/RPMS/browsers/SL_firefox_parentlock_fix-1.0-3.noarch.rpm 
>>> ftp://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/40rolling/testing/i386/RPMS/browsers/SL_firefox_parentlock_fix-1.0-3.noarch.rpm 
>>> Yum - S.L. 4.x
>>>  yum --enablerepo=sl-testing install SL_firefox_parentlock_fix
>>> The rpm has already been tested on several computers, and we believe it 
>>> works well.  But we would like others to test it more before it goes out.
>>> Thanks
>>> Troy

Stephan Wiesand
   DESY - DV -                     Phone:   +49 33762 7 7370
   Platanenallee 6                 Fax:     +49 33762 7 7216
   15738 Zeuthen, Germany