> Andrew Stallard wrote:
> > Is there a quick and easy way to install .rpm files using the GUI? (I jus
> > t
> > installed the Sci-Linux 4.3 GUI on my machine.) 
> >
> > In addition, since all of my linux books focus on text-based interface, i
> > s
> > there a way to access the command prompt in light of the fact the GUI is
> > already installed?

Two ways. 

1. Change the default runlevel in /etc/inittab to 3 instead of 5. You
will then have to type startx to get into the GUI.

2. Usually, hitting Ctrl_Alt_F2(or F3-F6) will give you a login screen.
You log in and get the familiar bash console.
Declan Moriarty <[log in to unmask]>