> Is anyone already looking at this, and of so is there anything I can do 
> to help?

Yes, I did for our CERN update, here are the changes needed:

1. in SOURCES/firefox-mozconfig*:

  change --enable-pango to --disable-pango

2. in firefox.spec:

  change desktop-utils define from 0.9 to 0.3,
  comment out scripts in post and postun sections.
  change requires to freetype-devel >= 2.1.4
  change requires to XFree86-devel instead of xorg-x11-devel



_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___________________ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ http://home.cern.ch/~jpolok ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_____________________________________ +41_78_792_0795 _