
esaifu wrote:
> Dear All,
>     I have been installed Scientific linux version 3.0 in Itaniu 2 
> server,i need following clarification regarding the network 
> installation in Scientific linux.
>   1) I could'nt see "pxeboot" and  "pxeos" command , i have
> searched the redhat-config-netboot*.rpm (for Itanium architecture 
> ) where the command are coming from.
>     But in the case of x86-64 distribution of Scientific linux the 
> pxeboot and pxeos is there.

redhat-config-netboot (or system-config-netboot) are not supplied
for ia64 architecture because ia64 does not use pxelinux boot loader
(which is the one for i385/x86_64) but rather elilo boot loader
(see: /usr/share/doc/elilo-3.4/netbooting.txt on your ia64 system)

>    2)  Usually in linux dir colurs will be determined be 
> /etc/DIR_COLOURS file,but in scientific linux even though the correct 
> entry is there in the same file,it displays every text(dir,file,link 
> etc) in black colour.

That shall be rather: /etc/DIR_COLORS



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