On Mon, 12 Jun 2006, Jon Peatfield wrote:

> On Mon, 12 Jun 2006, teh wrote:
>> I have lots of ssh-agent's cluttering up my process table on my 4.2 system.
>> I see they are started with xdm/Xsession sourcing the xinit/xinitrc-common
>> script.  But, I don't see anywhere the corresponding 'ssh-agent -k'  to
>> remove it.  Is this a "feature" of SL4.x or did I misconfigure my system
>> somehow?
> Isn't the 'normal' way to run ssh-agent to give IT the script to run, so it 
> can automatically detect when the user logs out (and so exit)?
> Admittedly we always used to have to patch Xsession to do quite what we 
> wanted (in RH8, SL3 etc).  I see that in SL4x it seems to be using 
> $DBUS_LAUNCH in much the same way that $SSHAGENT was in previous releases.
> Maybe it should call one nested inside the other...

Jon's last statement is the key to the problem.  And, in fact, on a Fedora 
Core 4 system, it's done exactly this way.  The statement that starts
ssh-agent in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc-common in SL-4.2 has been removed in FC4
and replaced with setting $SSH_AGENT.  And, the /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession now

With these 2 changes, the process table on the SL-4.2 system now looks
identical to an FC4 process table on login.  And, of course, ssh-agent goes
away when you log out.
