On Mon, 12 Jun 2006, teh wrote:

> I have lots of ssh-agent's cluttering up my process table on my 4.2 system.
> I see they are started with xdm/Xsession sourcing the xinit/xinitrc-common
> script.  But, I don't see anywhere the corresponding 'ssh-agent -k'  to
> remove it.  Is this a "feature" of SL4.x or did I misconfigure my system
> somehow?

Isn't the 'normal' way to run ssh-agent to give IT the script to run, so 
it can automatically detect when the user logs out (and so exit)?

Admittedly we always used to have to patch Xsession to do quite what we 
wanted (in RH8, SL3 etc).  I see that in SL4x it seems to be using 
$DBUS_LAUNCH in much the same way that $SSHAGENT was in previous releases.

Maybe it should call one nested inside the other...

Jon Peatfield,  Computer Officer,  DAMTP,  University of Cambridge
Mail:  [log in to unmask]     Web:  http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/