On Sat, 10 Jun 2006, Miles O'Neal wrote:

> We can't use that on a file server; we have absolute requirements of more
> than 32K directory entries at one level in a directory.  This is required
> by certain applications we use; there's no way around it.

Can you point me to where the limit is stated, or the source code? This 
page http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=122241 suggests that 
there is only a limit of 32K subdirectories in a directory and the number 
of files limit is a lot larger. Of course I found this on the internet so 
it could easily be wrong! Also using -O dir_index on mke2fs will make life 
a lot faster (this is switched off by default in mke2fs, except when 
anaconda makes a file system).
