On Mon, 2006-05-29 at 15:29 -0600, Michael Malik wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed SL 4.3 x86_64 on several different systems and I have 
> noticed that the memory being used keeps growing each day.  

It is worth running 'slabtop' to keep an eye on slab memory allocation,
or simply cat /proc/meminfo
Set 'slabtop' running when you boot the system, and watch it over the
course of a day or so. Is anyting consistently at the top, and growing
all the time?

You could also write a cron job to grep through /proc/meminfo and dump
off selected entries.

I'm referring to slab allocation as I have seen (not in this distro)
network drivers having problems where they don't release used memory,
and so memory keeps growing.