[log in to unmask] (Miles O'Neal) wrote:
>Dushan Mitrovich said...
>|>> When I pressed 'configure' for the monitor, I was presented with a list
>|>> of brands, and I could highlight a brand, Hitachi in my case.  But the
>|>> 'OK' button stayed grayed out, and double-clicking did nothing.  The
>|>> 'Cancel' button worked fine, but that's it.  In fact, _none_ of the
>|>> brands could actually be selected: for every one the 'OK' button was
>|>> grayed out.
>|>> After a second re-boot I invoked 'system-config-display' from the com-
>|>> mand line, and found the video card selected as above, but again could
>|>> select no monitor brand, just as above.  The monitor stayed an 'Un-
>|>> known', which is probably why the rsolution choices stayed at 640x480
>|>> or 800x600, and the color at 256 colors.
> You are running the config command as root, right?

Yes, I am.