
> I have always been using the full latest available updates be that
> errata, bugfixes or feature enhancements, so I may be off here, but
> isn't the model of RHEL<N>U<M> (aka SL <N>0<M>) to feed security and
> major bugfix errata to the rhn channels only keeping minor bugfixes
> and feature enhancements until RHEL<N>U<M+1> is released? 

I believe that that is the model indeed ....

> Otherwise if I'm wrong and RHEL provides a set of security errata only
> areas/channels for past "update"-releases, then I'd take that set.

I do not think so: at least not while looking at our
RHEL systems here: these get all the announced updates
as soon as these are released from beta to production



PS: At CERN we follow the RHN: we deploy updates when
     they come and we mostly roll out the quarterly releases
     for users convenience (not having to download 1.5 GB
     updates or so just after install).

_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___________________ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ http://home.cern.ch/~jpolok ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_____________________________________ +41_78_792_0795 _