I've gotten some way in reading the instructions for modifying initrd.img
and looking at the pcitable it contains.  But now some logistics are puzz-
ling me.

One of the sets of instructions <http://wiki.archlunix.org/index.php/initrd>
actually spells out that among the scsi modules not detectable is Initio.
It does tell how to edit manually the initrd image, which I can now do.
The 'lspci -n' command included the line 

    00:0d.0 Class 0100: 1101:9500 (rev 02)

which refers to the Initio scsi controller.  Presumably I add this to the
list in 'pcitable' of the 'initrd.img' file from the install CD#1.  But I
don't have a CD burner, so I can't just replace the original file with the
modified one.  My question then is, Can I put the new initrd.img in a tem-
porary directory on the hard disk, along with the 'vmlinuz' on the CD, and
then during the install process refer the installer to those locations?

The files involved are too big to put on a floppy disk.

- Dushan Mitrovich