On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 07:38:36PM +0100, Jaroslaw Polok wrote:
> No, you shall see no problems activating above: however in the past
> there were some conflicts between DAG repo and ATrpms repo: I
> believe this is resolved by now (Axel, the ATrpms maintainer reads
> this list so maybe he could confirm ?)

(Most) ATrpms libraries have been repackaged in such a way that
different major lib versions can coexist, so when a repo upgrades
libfoo from libfoo.so.2 to libfoo.so.3 no conflicts arise. That has
been quite some help in improving interrepo compatibility.

Currently and for some time there haven't been reports on such
conflicts, but when any such conflict does arise it gets dealt with in
rather fast time. bugzilla.atrpms.net is a common place to report bugs
per repo and interrepo bugs, too. It is shared by all non redhat.com
hosted repos.

Bottom line: If there appear any conflicts (not only between the two
mentioned repos, but in general), just let both sides know.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net