Greetings to everyone,

It is a pleasure to interact with this scientific community.  Costa Rica recently has begun to explore the possibilities that cluster computing and Grid offer. At the present time, I'm in charge of the implementation of a general cluster and Grid strategy for supporting scientific activities in e National Center of High Technology and later in our principal universities. This aims towards the reinforcement of research and academic improvement as well.

We would like to extend an invitation to this community for possible suggestions. One of the most important goals is in a mid-term period to be able to connect to the Grid project. Also, we are are also starting interaction with the PRAGMA Project thanks to Ph.D. Jose Castro Mora.

One last question:

Currently I'm configuring our UltraSparc-based cluster with Gentoo Linux, but I'd rather prefer to explore Scientific Linux and the experience on scientific computation you have developed. Is there any sparc build available? For the rest of the clusters I believe we will be working on x86 or ia64 architectures, so there won't be any special requirements.


Santiago Nunez
Centro Nacional de Alta Tecnologia - Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica