Michael Hannon wrote:
> Hi, folks.  One of the guys here wants to buy an external, USB hard 
> drive to attach to his linux laptop (a Dell).  I think he's currently 
> running SL 3.0.3, but we could install newer versions.
> I recommended a Seagate drive that looked reasonable to me (and I tend 
> to be partial to Seagate).  The guy points out that there's no mention 
> of linux in the specs for the drive.  I've offered to buy the drive 
> from him if it doesn't work, but he's still reluctant.
> If you've successfully used an external USB hard drive with ANY 
> configuration of hardware and linux software, would you please send me 
> the details?  It's probably best to do this off-list.
I use a Maxtor Onetouch 250 GB (or so) external USB drive with SL4.x. It 
works flawlessly. I'd even written up this 
[http://www-personal.umich.edu/~hnarayan/maxtor-harddrive-linux.html] on 
getting it running in an earlier Fedora Core, but on a newer SL it's 
literally plug-and-play.
