Miles O'Neal wrote:

>Both of those worked.  I was hoping for a way
>to make acroread work, but should have thought
>of trying something else.  Definitely time to
>go home.
What about fixing the PDF as follows:

    pdf2ps broken.pdf
    acroread fixed.pdf

But, then again, I have the luxury of fixing the PDF and then grouching 
about weirdproprietarycrap that was sent to my user -- because I rarely 
deal with the customer directly...  :-)

One thing to note, though, is that the above process will destroy any 
internal indexing information in the PDF.  I generate PDFs with Latex 
using a hyperref (or whatever it's called) package, and being able to 
click on a link to another section of the document is makes the kind of 
spaghetti documentation that I write easier to read.

Well, it's Friday night on the east coast of the US and I live in a 
college town -- I should be out drinking or something.
