On Thu, 2005-12-15 at 07:06 +1000, Michael Mansour wrote:

> Just to add my 2 cents worth, I use linuxha.net (http://www.linuxha.net) which
> uses drbd as the shared storage device, so you don't have to spend the $k's on
> shared storage hardware, but use a network link between 2 nodes to replicate
> data. This also very easily provides HA NFS, using failover between two machines.
> Michael.

I've set up LinuxHA and high availability NFS, and would prefer to use a
dual-port SCSI array for this, or a SAN setup.
Remember to mirror the lock files between the two systems also.

I've used DRBD, but would advise monitoring if it is working, ie. if it
fails on the recipinet machine the mirror will be out of sync and you
need to restart it.