Michael Mansour wrote:

 >I think it is useful to mention here, that the current project web
 > site is http://developer.berlios.de/projects/mondorescue/

> Cool. They should update it on their freshmeat project listing.

One problem with Mondo 2.05 r228 is that, after installing it in my SL 4.2 did not run 
because could not find its own shared libraries under "/usr/local/lib". Placing 
/usr/local/lib in $PATH did not work, only by adding soft links of them under /usr/lib 
seemed to work.

But after making a couple of such soft links, I did not like the whole procedure (too 
messy), so I proceeded to uninstall it, and not testing if this would work in the end (but 
seemed to work while I was doing it, because at next run, it was missing a different 
library file).

I do not know if previous versions work out of the box. One interesting thing is that, 
according to its documentation, it also supports DVD writing and ISOs, in addition to CDs.