Over a year ago, Redhat promised me that with RedHat 4 (more specifically
starting with the 2.6 kernels), XFS would be a standard part of their
distribution and fully supported.  When that didn't happen and they actually
deleted what support was already there, I asked them what happened.  Their
excuse was they didn't have enough people to support XFS.  What extra support
is needed?  They seemed to have worked much harder and caused themselves a lot
more support problems deleting it than they would have just leaving it in
there.  Seems more like jealousy or `not invented here' attitude than any good
logical reasons to me.  XFS was developed by SGI.  Redhat seems to see SGI as
a competitor, so do not help your competition no matter how stupid the
decision is or how much extra work it costs you.  Just one of many stupid
decisions by Redhat.