Greetings SL community,

I downloaded the iso images for SL41 via website and checked the md5sum. OK.

Then, created/Burned CD's and placed disc1 in drive.  The system boots to CD
and the Scientific Linux screen comes up with the options for graphical,
text, recovery etc.  Either pressing enter or allowing timeout (60 seconds)
the "loading vmlinz....................." and "loading
initrd.img..............." lines appear at the bottom looking as if
everything is going to work.  The system then recycles and does the same
thing over and over.

I have had other flavors of linux on this computer in the past such as SUSE,
Redhat (up through 9) and Debian with not problems installing.

Is there something obvious I may be overlooking?  I've viewed posts from
other install problems but they seem to make changes to GRUB once installed

Thank you for any help you may provide.  I look forward to utilizing SL.
I've become frusturated with other distro options and very interested in the
idea around your community.
