I replaced a CDROM with an ATAPI CD-RW.  The system, an SL303, does not know
the CDROM drive has been replaced.  'cdrecord -scanbus' fails.  I tried a
variety of things like:

o adding 'alias scsi_hostadapter ide-scsci' to the /etc/modules.conf.

o adding append=hdd=ide-scsi to the kernel boot line

o relinking cdrom to scd0.  Btw, the system undoes this on reboot.

It is my impression (can't swear to this) that when an SL 303 system is
first installed, it can detect a CD-RW device and make the appropriate
adjustments (whatever they are).  I have other boxes which had the CD-RW at
install time and the writer works perfectly.  Connie must have put some
magic in anaconda for this!

I know I've fixed this problem before on a RedHat 9 system but that was
years ago.  I don't remember how I did it and what web reference I used to
help me.  Can someone help?

