On Tue, 7 Jun 2005, Connie Sieh wrote:

> I have included the RELEASE-NOTES as a attachment.
> Please test.  If there any issues please tell us about them .

The "fixed" (w.r.t. LSB compliance) chkconfig breaks almost every
init script we use that actually has LSB init info: Anything it doesn't
get right and the script ends up with start/stop priority 50. Upstream 
problem, of course, but maybe something folks should be prepared for.

And among the scripts it breaks is the one for afs. The client would now
start before ntpd, which may be a problem at least if the CMOS clock is 
way off, for example on hosts with an empty battery. Troy, I've put
up a 15.17 SRPM in the usual place, with the LSB init info removed
(and a very minor beautification if module packaging).

The beta looks promising otherwise. Kickstart installation worked
flawlessly. Looking forward to x86_64 ;-)



| Stephan Wiesand  |                                |
|                  |                                |
| DESY     - DV -  | phone  +49 33762 7 7370        |
| Platanenallee 6  | fax    +49 33762 7 7216        |
| 15738 Zeuthen    |                                |
| Germany          |                                |