On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 17:11, Robert Haines wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm probably being daft, but I'm stuck.
> I need to add ieee1394 (firewire) support into my kernel. I've 
> downloaded the kernel src.rpm and jumped through all the relevent hoops 
> to get a source tree. I've made the changes to add ieee1394 modules to 
> the build and rebuilt. I've installed the modules and the kernel and so 
> on and rebooted.
> It all works fine apart from the fact that openafs is now broken. So I 
> downloaded the openafs src.rpm and tried to rebuild that in the usual 
> way but it has kernel-devel as a dependency! kernel-devel doesn't exist 
> for my custom kernel!

rpmbuild -bb --nodeps ....
(If you are sure that all other required packages are installed). I
think the openafs .spec file has some options to just rebuild the kernel
module, by the way. Something like

rpm -i openafs-1.3.80-1.SL.src.rpm
rpmbuild -bb --nodeps  --define "build_modules 1" --define "kernel 2.6.9-5.0.5.EL-i686" SPECS/openafs-1.3.80-1.SL.spec

> I guess what I really want to do is to just add the relevent ieee1394 
> modules into my kernel without recompiling the lot (or the kernel 
> itself). The following message gave me hope, implying that I don't need 
> a full exploded source tree: 
> http://listserv.fnal.gov/scripts/wa.exe?A2=ind0505&L=scientific-linux-users&T=0&F=&S=&P=9900
> but left me confused as I can't find the ieee1394 code in the 
> /usr/src/kernels/2.6.9-5.0.5.EL-i686 tree anywhere.

These are just the config/Makefiles to compile other (3rd-party) modules
with setting to match the running kernel. All the actual source code has
been removed.

> So what should I do? I'm after a solution that won't cause me loads of 
> hassle everytime there's a new kernel released!

You could take a kernel, extract the ieee1394 subdirectory and try to
build as a standalone RPM (using the stub Makefile from Connie's
explanation/link). You would still need to rebuild this RPM every time
there is a new kernel, and from time to time update the sources.
Or convince Red Hat to include the firewire drivers in their kernel
builds by default, these should then get picked up by SL.
Or perhaps some other lab/'site' may release a kernel (later) that has
these drivers build in, and these RPMs will show up in contrib/.

Best regards