
I've just upgraded a number of our servers from SL 3.0.3 to SL 3.0.4,
this was accomplished without any problems.  However the updated rpm for
named renamed /etc/named.conf to /etc/named.conf.rpmsave, thus disabling
DNS services for the domain.  However the updated openssh rpm created
it's new config file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) as
/etc/ssh/sshd_config.rpmnew.  We have two packages behaving differently 
when applying the latest updates.   

Wouldn't it be better to have one behaviour or the other, my personal
one is for .rpmnew config files as this cuts down on the configuration
files having to be touched manually by the upgrade process. 

I understand that sometimes configuration files change and have to be
replaced due to compatability issues and that we want to follow Redhat's
lead in most cases.


Mark Nelson - [log in to unmask]

IPPP, Department of Physics, University of Durham, 
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