Hi All,

I hope it's the right place to put the question. If not, please excuse 
me for invading your mail-boxes :-), move the message directly to Trash.

I'm trying(testing) to install openafs on a mahcine with SL 3.0.3 (cern) 
but with a kernel 2.6.9, with no succes until now.
First I tried with the packages (rpms) for "Scientific Linux 4.0 for 
i386/x86 Release Candidate 2.5" - but it was a dependency on glibc-2.3.4 
- that (for various reasons) I cannot touch(change). I'm also trying an 
openafs-1.3.80 taken directly from openafs.org... but with no big success.

I saw on the archive of this mailing list that:
"It is there:/afs/cern.ch/project/linux/dev/afs/openafs-1.3.79-1.SL.src.rpm"
but I don't have any acces to the afs at cern.

Is there any place from where I can get this src.rpm??
 Or better - is there any newer version of openafs-src.rpm that is 
working for kernel 2.6??

Thank you very much for your time,

Cristina Aiftimiei - EGEE Project
Ist. Naz. di Fisica Nucleare - Padova
Address:    via F. Marzolo, 8 - 35131 Padova - ITALY  
Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: +39-0498277005