On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 01:48, Jaroslaw Polok wrote:

> >   yum.cron - keep it the same or redo it?
> - What about using up2date (from FC3) with yum
>    repositories behind ?
>    (there are some goodies there: alike selecting
>     'nearest' repository server .. etc)

Yum is nicer for scripts (e.g. cron jobs) than up2date.  FC3 allows the
use of yum or up2date and I much prefer yum.  Yum will also
automatically select a repository (based on some unknown [to me]
algorithm).  It took me a while to discover how to turn this off and use
my own choice of repository.  Of course both yum and up2date are
available and you can take your pick.

Since I have about 50 SL machines I keep a local mirror of the part of
the SL repository we use.  For that reason I would prefer that
/etc/yum.conf not be overwritten on an upgrade.  Of course, I may be in
the minority on this.
John Franks <[log in to unmask]>
Dept of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ