
please have a look at



> I am currently testing on a single cpu machine.  I can startup, read, write. 
> I cannot shutdown.  It's getting stuck on the umount /afs.  I'm looking into 
> this more.

Well, my first write attempt still gets stuck. I can break the knot by
attaching and then detaching the running process with gdb, and afterwards
writes succeed, although about every second one with a noticeable delay.
I can then even cleanly shutdown the client, again with a noticeable 

It might well be a race condition, and the problem will show up in a 
slightly different manner on different hardware.

SMP still looks ok.

> I've been building the openafs on a CentOS x86_64 build, and found that the 
> openafs-SL-krb5-configure-amd64.patch isn't going in a cleanly as is needed. 
> It's basically getting wiped out somewhere along the way, though it LOOKS 
> like it's there after doing an rpmbuild -bp.

I hope this is fixed in 4.SL. But I still have no RH4ish amd64 system up, 
so I can't test yet.

> I'm a little concerned about the AUTO being on for the cache.  I know alot of 
> folks here at Fermi don't have /usr/vice/cache as a seperate partition, 
> especially on the desktop machines.  This basically turns AFS off for them 
> until they edit the file.
> So I'm really wondering just how many people really do use a separate 
> parittion for their afs cache.
> On a related note, just how much disk will AUTO take?
> If we move the cache to /var/cache (which I think is logical), I often have 
> /var on it's own partition, but that's so my log files don't fill things up. 
> If afs grabs the whole partition, then my log files start getting starved.

The default Cache size and location are spec macros now. I set them to 
100000 and /var/cache/openafs for the time being.



| Stephan Wiesand  |                                |
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| DESY     - DV -  | phone  +49 33762 7 7370        |
| Platanenallee 6  | fax    +49 33762 7 7216        |
| 15738 Zeuthen    |                                |
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