Dear Stephan,

the solution comes from google (as it happens frequently... see

I've  applied the last patch supplied by Chris Wing (I've renamed it
into openafs-krb5-64bit.patch) and produced the
openafs-1.2.11-15.10.SL.src.rpm and corresponding binaries with
*WORKING* aklog (yust checked !).

You can  download them  starting from[SRPMS || RPMS] (or copy directly
from /afs/

Troy, Connie,  I think that is better to include this new version in
the distribution (if Scientific Linux release policies allows).


On 15 Jan 2005, at 10:18, Stephan Wiesand wrote:

> Dear Enrico,
> this is a known "feature" of the krb5 packages - see the thread on
> scientific-linux-users titled "krb5/afs on SL 3.0.2 (x86_64) ?".
> Workarounds I've found so far:
>    - the 32bit aklog binary works
>    - rebuilding krb5 with patch37 enabled makes afslog work,
>      but neither aklog nor
>    - SuSE 9.0/amd64 ships with a that works and can
>      be used on SL3/amd64 if you pull in the needed shared libs
>      (heimdal, ...) as well, but there are issues with at least the
>      configuration (heimdal slightly incomatible with MIT) and
>      ticket lieftimes
> If anyone comes up with something better, I'd be glad to hear about it.
> Cheers,
>       Stephan
> --
>   ----------------------------------------------------
> | Stephan Wiesand  |                                |
> |                  |                                |
> | DESY     - DV -  | phone  +49 33762 7 7370        |
> | Platanenallee 6  | fax    +49 33762 7 7216        |
> | 15738 Zeuthen    |                                |
> | Germany          |                                |
>   ----------------------------------------------------
Enrico M. V. Fasanelli - I.N.F.N. Sezione di Lecce