
On Sat, 18 Dec 2004, Ken Teh wrote:

> I put SL303 on a machine with 128MB of RAM and encountered a warning that SL
> 303 prefers at least 256MB of RAM.  I'm inclined to ignore the warning since
> I often run run single function servers on older machines that are equiped
> with less memory.  They are usually headless and have only the Base and Core
> installed plus the particular server software installed.  But, I thought I'd
> check with you guys.

As you would expect,  it depends on how much memory you application
really needs.  This test was put in by RedHat as I expect they think
everyone needs at least 256MB.  I have a laptop with 128MB and I survive
for what I need.  You milege may vary :-)

-connie sieh
 > > Ken