I had a failure of my dhcp server over the weekend.  After restarting dhcp
services, I find that none of my Linux machines could recover their
IPs without restarting their network service even after the lease time
has elapsed.  I use "static" dhcp so a machine's IP/DNS is really fixed.
The dhcp service has been running now for a week and I'm still running into
the stand-alone Linux box that has not recovered its IP.  The box is
running.  dhclient is running.  ifconfig shows that the eth0 device is
initialized; it just lacks its IP.  All the Windows boxes survived the dhcp

It appears that dhclient does not work properly on Linux.  I assumed that
dhclient would relinquish the IP after the lease time, then keep trying to
request a renewal.  But, apparently, it doesn't.  It appears to have given

Ideas, anyone?
