
On Tue, 21 Dec 2004, Daniel Widyono wrote:

> Connie et al.,
>       Will you be planning to put the new kernel 2.4.21-27 into SL 3.0.4,
> or will it be included in 3.0.3 as well?  I'm asking only because it has some

Since 2.4.21-27 is not a security errata I was planning on putting it in
SL 3.0.4 only.  And since one has to upgrade kernels manually as auto yum
does excludes it by design then one could always just get it from the
3.0.4 tree.

> fixes we're planning to use (kswapd issues).  If it's waiting for 3.0.4,
> please let me know if there's anything I can do to help build out that
> release.  I've already rebuilt the kernel under SL 3.0.3 just so I can try it
> out tomorrow.

> Dan W.
> P.S.  I'm assuming 3.0.4 is following RHEL3 U4, is that correct?


Plan on getting a new "30rolling" based on U4 really soon now.

-Connie Sieh